personal donations
We will provide a charitable donation tax receipt for donations of $20 or more upon request.
Tax receipts provided by our partner, , a not for profit organization. Tax #89480 6710 RR0001
For a tax receipt, please fill out the information below
support in any amount is appreciated and will go towards more forums on important topics

corporate sponsorships
Platinum Sponsorship - $2000
Banner displayed at the forum venue and framed certificate of sponsorship for your office.
Name and logo on event poster – Extra large print
Name and logo on all other promotional material – website, school posters, flyers, social media
Name and logo in the opening and closing credits of the video. “This episode presented by” *
Name mentioned at the beginning and end of the forum
Opportunity to provide gifts or gift certificates to students attending the forum
gold sponsorship - $1500
Name and logo on event poster – Larger print
Name and logo on all other promotional material – website, school posters, flyers, social media
Name and logo in the closing credits of the video*
Name mentioned at the beginning and end of the forum
Opportunity to provide gifts or gift certificates to students attending the forum
silver sponsorship - $1000
Name on event poster – Large print
Name on all other promotional material – website, school posters, flyers, social media
Name in the closing credits of the video*
Name mentioned at the beginning and end of the forum
Opportunity to provide gifts or gift certificates to students attending the forum
bronze sponsorship - $500
Name on event poster - Standard print
Name on all other promotional material – website, school posters, flyers, social media
Name mentioned at the forum
Opportunity to provide gifts or gift certificates to students attending the forum
* Videos to be produced if we have enough funding